Customer Testimonials

"The product is nice. We have taken a yearly maintenance contract. We did not face any major problem. Good product"

- Shiraj Shaikh (Mumbai, Maharashtra)

"We are using Eureka Forbes product for the past 3 to 4 years. The products are brilliant and service is good."

- Sarita Rani Jang (Mumbai, Maharashtra)

"Very satisfied with the product. Good and efficient technicians."

- Suhail Aboli (Mumbai, Maharashtra)

"Very satisfied. I am very happy with the product. Keep up the service."

- Dhiraj Advani (Mumbai, Maharashtra)

"I am very thankful to the Eureka Forbes team for looking into my concern and solving my queries."

- Midas Next (Mumbai, Maharashtra)

"The problem I was facing has been resolved and I am very happy with the service. Thanks a lot for persistent good service."

- Aftab Niazi (Mumbai, Maharashtra)

"Very satisfied with the Aquaguard product. We are using an Aquaguard for the last 10 years."

- Lubna Sayyadain (Mumbai, Maharashtra)

"My problem has been resolved and I am very happy with the services. A lot of thanks for to the team who has solved my problem."

- Nair Coal Service Ltd.(Mumbai, Maharashtra)

"I am getting very good service from Eureka Forbes for my Aquaguard since I have bought the product."

- K Khan (Mumbai, Maharashtra)

"We are using an Eureka Forbes product for the past 3 to 4 years. The product is brilliant and service at par with the industry."

- Leena Manek (Mumbai, Maharashtra)

"Overall their (Eureka Forbes) performance was exemplary. Technicians successfully met my expectations."

- Unique Electro Engineers Pvt Ltd (Mumbai, Maharashtra)

"I am getting very good services from Eureka Forbes team for my Aquaguard since I have bought the product."

- Rahul Dhall (Mumbai, Maharashtra)